Golang-101-Basic Usage

Posted by jerryeml on 2021-03-11


var {your_variable} type = {your_variable_value}


var variable_01 string = "haha"

var (
    a int
    b float


  • variable must be defined first
  • go is a static language
  • variable should be unique
  • If you already defined the variable and you should use it!


Const will not be modify in runtime
const identifier [type] = value

const (
    a = iota //0
    b        //1
    c        //2
    d = "ha" //ha ,iota += 1
    e        //"ha"   iota += 1
    f = 100  //iota +=1
    g        //100  iota +=1
    h = iota //7 回傳iota數量
    i        //8

    Unknown = 0
    Female  = 1
    Male    = 2


  • int const will not store in address,therefore it can not get address through memory

#golang #rookie #basic-101

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